Bilateral Meetings
- 23.09.2014 Tuesday (01.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m)
- 24.09.2014 Wednesday (01.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m)
- 25.09.2014 Thursday (01.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m)
- 26.09.2014 Friday (01.00 pm - 02.30 pm)
Društvo za konsalting, menadžment i servisiranje vatrogasne opreme Vatroival d.o.o., specijalizovano je za uslužno vođenje poslova iz zaštite od požara i bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu.
Vršimo izradu pravno-tehničke dokumentacije iz ovih oblasti, kompletan stručni konsalting i inženjering i svojim servisom obezbeđujemo brzu i kvalitetnu opravku i redovno servisiranje vatrogasne opreme i sistema za dojavu i gašenje požara.
Company for consulting, management and maintenance of fire equipment Vatroival Ltd., is a specialized service for the conduct of business of fire protection and safety and health at work.
We make the legal and tecnihal documents from these areas, a complete professional consulting and engineering, and with our service we provide fast and efficient repairs and regular servicing of fire fighting equipment, alarm and fire extinguishing systems.
Country: Serbia
Organization Type: Importer, Distributor, Instalater