
Vladan Milićević , kontakt osoba at VIR SISTEM d.o.o


Bilateral Meetings

  • 23.09.2014 Tuesday (01.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m)
  • 24.09.2014 Wednesday (01.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m)
  • 25.09.2014 Thursday (01.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m)
  • 26.09.2014 Friday (01.00 pm - 02.30 pm)

-Projektovanje, ugradnja i servis svih vrsta stabilnih instalacija za gašenje pozara, sistema za odvodjenje dima i prirodnu ventilaciju.

-Planning, engineering and service all fixed fire protection system, smoke vent system and natural ventilation.

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Instalater, Projectant

Areas of Activities

Fire extinguisher, fire extinguishing systems, fire extinguishing agents