
Milan Blagojević , rukovodilac at CRONY DOO


Bilateral Meetings

  • 23.09.2014 Tuesday (01.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m)
  • 24.09.2014 Wednesday (01.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m)
  • 25.09.2014 Thursday (01.00 p.m - 04.30 p.m)
  • 26.09.2014 Friday (01.00 pm - 02.30 pm)

Crony je Vaš siguran oslonac na polju specijalne bezbedonosne opreme, telekomunikacione i merne opreme. Pored profesionalne opreme za bezbednost i odbranu, imamo kvalitetnu ponudu opreme za telekom – provajdere, znanje i iskustvo.

Crony is your safe supporter within special security, telecommunication and measurement equipment. In addition to the professional security and defense equipment, we have got high quality telecom equipment offer – providers, knowledge and experience.

Country: Serbia

Organization Type: Other

Areas of Activities

Fire brigade vehicles

    Fire extinguisher, fire extinguishing systems, fire extinguishing agents

      Technical and operational building security

        Appliances and equipment for disaster control

          Measuring and detection apparatus

            Security at Work

              Critical urban infrastructure